
A link to a pdf of our bylaws is here.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Same-Sex Marriage

Congregation Adas Yoshuron supports the full inclusion of gay men and lesbian women in all aspects of Jewish life. A Rabbi, Cantor or learned Jew (a Jew proposed by the couple wishing to marry and approved by the Synagogue Board) may perform a same-sex marriage ceremony anywhere at Adas Yoshuron.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Interfaith Marriage

Congregation Adas Yoshuron welcomes interfaith couples and families and encourages their participation in our congregational activities. A Rabbi, Cantor or learned Jew (a Jew proposed by the couple wishing to marry and approved by the Synagogue Board) may perform an interfaith marriage ceremony anywhere at Adas Yoshuron.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Patrilineal Descent

A child of a Jewish mother or a Jewish father is considered a Jew at Adas Yoshuron Synagogue.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Adult Education and Synagogue-Sponsored Programs

All adult education classes and Synagogue-sponsored programs are open to the public unless limited by the instructor and/or the program committee.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Music During Religious Services

Musical instruments may be played during religious services anywhere on Synagogue property, including in the Sanctuary. The use of electric and electronic instruments requires Board approval.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Use of Recording Equipment in the Sanctuary

Recording, including photography, videography and sound, is permitted at religious services only with permission of the Board. Under no circumstances may such equipment be used if that use is deemed to interfere with the solemnity of the service as determined in advance by the service leader.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Contributions to the Synagogue

Contribution amounts to the Synagogue will not be made public without the consent of the donor.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Reduction or Waiving of Fees

Members of the Congregation who are unable to pay fees for events or programs may make arrangements with the Treasurer or the President of the Synagogue for such fees to be reduced or waived. Such actions will be confidential.

Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Policy Regarding Gender Equality

Congregation Adas Yoshuron is an egalitarian congregation in which men and women have equal rights and responsibilities and participate equally in all ritual observances. We understand that some individuals may request the use of the Synagogue for ceremonies that are not gender equal. While the Congregation is happy to provide space for such a ceremony, it will not assist in organizing the event.

All of the above
Lisa Breheny, President,
for the Synagogue Board
June 3, 2013


Policy on the Use of the Synagogue by a Non‐Member

Someone who is not a member of Adas Yoshuron Synagogue may request use of the Synagogue for a Jewish life‐cycle event. For permission to be granted, the person submitting the request:

  • must agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Adas Yoshuron Synagogue Use Agreement (see attachment), and

  • receive approval from the President or the Board.
    The Use Agreement will include a request for a contribution to the Synagogue, and may recommend a donation based on the nature of the event and other financial considerations. The Board may periodically revise the Use Agreement.

Submitted by the Policy Committee:
Michael Kosowsky
Pamela Salomon Benner
Denise Singer
Judy Stein

Jan. 2015