Events & Services

HIAS Refugee Shabbat
Join us for Shabbat morning services and Torah reading on Refugee Shabbat. Special program details to come.

Rosh Chodesh Adar Morning Service
We welcome the month of Adar with a morning service including Hallel (Songs of Praise) and Torah reading.

Bet Midrash
The Bet Midrash is a 90-minute session to study a common text both in a chevruta (as partners) and as a group. All are welcome! FMI please contact Rabbi Lorin:

Bet Midrash
The Bet Midrash is a 90-minute session to study a common text both in a chevruta (as partners) and as a group. All are welcome! FMI please contact Rabbi Lorin:

In-Person Morning Minyan
Weekly in-person traditional morning service, mostly in Hebrew, filled with song. Great opportunity to hear the traditional nusach (chanted melodies) and be with the community in prayer. In the sanctuary, no zoom option.

Books & Bagels
Books & Bagels meets monthly. This month we will talk about The History of Love by Nicole Krauss.

Tu B’Shvat Hike
Join the AY Hebrew School and AY member and arborist Mitch Kihn for a guided tree walk. Location to be shared ahead of time. RSVP so we know who to look for:

Tu b'Shvat Seder
Join Rabbi Lorin and the community for the mystical and earth based celebration of the New Year for Trees. Nuts, fruits, juice and wine will be provided. Please bring a veggie potluck dish and a poem/song/dance/piece of art reflecting your relationship to the more-than-human world to share during the Seder. RSVP to by Feb. 10.

Bet Midrash
The Bet Midrash is a 90-minute session to study a common text both in a chevruta (as partners) and as a group. All are welcome! FMI please contact Rabbi Lorin:

Shabbat Hike
Join Rabbi Lorin for a gentle hike with prayerful stops along the way as we tune into and appreciate the beauty of the midcoast and this sacred day. RSVP ( by Feb. 6 for details on location.

Shabbat Services at Quarry Hill
We’ll welcome Shabbat at Quarry Hill Retirement Home in Camden. Please contact if you would like to attend.

Bet Midrash
The Bet Midrash is a 90-minute session to study a common text both in a chevruta (as partners) and as a group. All are welcome! FMI please contact Rabbi Lorin:

In-Person Morning Minyan
Weekly in-person traditional morning service, mostly in Hebrew, filled with song. Great opportunity to hear the traditional nusach (chanted melodies) and be with the community in prayer. In the sanctuary, no zoom option.

Israeli Artist Program and Sushi Lunch
Israeli artist Hedva Rokach will present her work at Adas Yoshuron in conjunction with her exhibit "Japanese Sushi Girls" now on display at the Maine Jewish Museum in Portland. Hedva's exhibit, in collaboration with the Haifa Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, is about Japanese women who supported the IDF by making sushi for the troops during the current war. Hedva will share a short film and present her photography. There will be a question and answer period followed by sushi making and lunch. RSVP by calling the office at 207-594-4523 or emailing

Soup Kitchen
Adas Yoshuron prepares and serves the Soup Kitchen meal at St. Peter's Church in Rockland on the first Sunday of every month. If you'd like to volunteer please contact Soup Kitchen coordinator Linda Garson Smith:

Shabbat Morning Services (Parashat Bo) and Lunch
Join us for Shabbat morning services and Torah reading (Parashat Bo) followed by a community lunch sponsored by the Ritual Committee. Come honor Rabbi Lorin's first post-ordination Shabbat at Adas Yoshuron!

Reading Group: Everything is God
Join our new Reading Group facilitated by Rabbi Lorin. We'll explore Jay Michaelson’s Everything Is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism. The first meeting is this Friday and we'll continue to meet weekly on Fridays at the synagogue. Each session will include a form of meditative practice. We'll use this first session to review the book's introduction and to plan the meeting format for the weeks ahead.

Rosh Chodesh Shevat Morning Service
We welcome the month of Shevat with a morning service including Hallel (Songs of Praise) and Torah reading.

Soup and Listening Circle
You are invited to join Rabbi Lorin and the community to share feelings and concerns about local and global issues and how these impact our lives. Soup will be provided.

Bet Midrash
The Bet Midrash is a 90-minute session to study a common text both in a chevruta (as partners) and as a group. All are welcome! FMI please contact Rabbi Lorin:

Rabbi Lorin’s Ordination Party with the Watts Hall Band
Come out to celebrate Rabbi Lorin’s smicha (ordination) and get down to a great dance band at Watts Hall in Thomaston! You won’t want to miss this night of music, food, and community in honor of our rabbi!
Purchase tickets here!
if you are unable to attend but wish to donate, click here!
There will be an excellent live rock band, vegetarian buffet dinner, bar with beer/wine/NA options, and 50/50 raffle.
Doors open at 5:30 pm, with Havdalah at 6 pm and music from 7 - 10:30 pm.
The event is a fundraiser for the shul and the AIO food and energy assistance program. Tickets are a sliding scale of $18 to $180, with a suggestion of $50. We do not want the cost of a ticket to be a barrier; all are welcome regardless of ability to pay. Contact for more information. Kids attend free.

Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Join us for Kabbalat Shabbat services led by board member Rosa Ergas.

Jewish Artists Group
Interested in being part of a new Adas Yoshuron Jewish artists group? The second meeting is on Sunday, January 12 at the shul. RSVP by calling the office at 207-594-4523 or emailing

Chanukah Party
Join us at the Steel House in Rockland for a fabulous Chanukah party co-hosted by Rockland MainStreet and MidCoast Realty Group.
There will be dinner and festive desserts from the Food in Jewish Culture cooks, music to sing along and dance to by the fabulous Adas Yoshuron House Band, candle lighting, and fun for all.
Please let us know if you’d like to contribute to making this celebration a success. If you are interested in cooking, decorating, setting up, or lending a hand in any way please be in touch:

Rockland Menorah Lighting
Join us in Rockland Harbor Park to light the Menorah, enjoy hot cider and donuts, and sing Chanukah songs.

Belfast Menorah Lighting
Join us at Post Office Square in Belfast to light the Menorah, sing and dance, and enjoy refreshments.