Hebrew School

Exciting, Meaningful, Stimulating Jewish Learning

Join us on Thursdays from 3:30–5:30 pm!
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Join Morah Elizabeth Benozer, Rabbi Lorin Troderman and Denise Singer, our compassionate and experienced teachers, for a weekly program that allows children to grow and thrive as young members of our Jewish community, inspiring their pride, identity and knowledge.

The Adas Yoshuron Hebrew school welcomes students aged 6 through Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The program teaches basic Hebrew reading, prayer, ritual and holidays, as well as Jewish history, values, and Torah study. 

Throughout the year, students participate in Shabbat services, Mitzvah projects, Community Service. We engage in the Jewish values of Tikun Olam (repairing the world), Tzedakah (justice), and Ahavat Yisrael (a love for the land and people of Israel).


Students are welcome to arrive at 3:30 for a half-hour of socializing and a healthy snack before formal teaching starts at 4:00.

Individualized 1:1 Hebrew reading instruction is available on zoom.

There are no classes during public school vacations. We follow the local public school’s weather-related cancellations.

Hebrew School tuition is a benefit of Family Membership and is included with membership dues. 

Tuition for non-member students is $300 per year. Additional siblings from a non-member family receive a 50% tuition reduction. Tuition for each additional child is $150.


Hebrew School is an excellent way to prepare your child for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, please reach out via this link for more information on B’nai Mitzvah preparation at AY.